Hoodoo Sen Moise
Conjure, also known as Hoodoo or Rootwork, is an old, powerful, and increasingly popular system of North American folk magic. Conjure's roots derive primarily from West and Central African spiritual traditions, but it has also been influenced by Christianity, Jewish mysticism, and Native American practices.
Hoodoo Sen Moise has been studying this tradition and working with Conjure for over 35 years. Here in Working Conjure, he explores Conjure's history, principles, fundamentals, and ethics, while simultaneously providing a practical how-to guide to actually "working" Conjure and making Conjure work for you.
Hoodoo Sen Moise has been studying this tradition and working with Conjure for over 35 years. Here in Working Conjure, he explores Conjure's history, principles, fundamentals, and ethics, while simultaneously providing a practical how-to guide to actually "working" Conjure and making Conjure work for you.
Working Conjure
High John the Conqueror Candle
High John the Conqueror Candle - This candle is wonderful for destroying that which lays in your way. I also call High John "the wrecking ball" because that is how it tends to operate by plowing through those things that would try and stop you! $15
Money Draw Soap
Money Soap - Fixed and loaded to draw money to you. It is meant to draw the spirit of prosperity into your life. $12
High John Soap
High John Soap - Fixed and loaded to draw the spirit of the High John root to you so that walls can be destroyed and that which stops you no longer stands in the way. $12
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